
去年(2013年)我在空余时间读完了14本书,其中5本为英文原著,不过多是一些科普、宗教和小说类的书籍,今年想把自己计划阅读的书单偏重于专业书。专业书多为七八百页,甚至上千页的大部头,给自己的要求是,不仅要看,还要做好每章内容的摘要和笔记。我相信一个看法,只有用自己的话,把书中的内容写出来,才算学到了东西。第一本书,我选择的是“Enzyme- and Transporter-Based Drug–Drug Interactions”,书相当于一系列主题的综述,多是事实性的内容,有助于增加自己在DDI方面的知识面和系统性。我争取每周读一章,并摘录要点。

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该书的主编Sandy Pang前段时间来找我现在的老板,好似谈组织什么会议的事情。她是一个非常严谨的老太,有企业界的人问她有没有毕业生推荐,她回答说“We don’t graduate students easily!”我的师兄曾去她那里受苦过一年,被逼得都不行了,呵呵。不过,在学术方面,Sandy Pang确实是一个优秀的科学家。



About the Author

K. Sandy Pang Ph.D. is Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Faculties of Pharmacy and Medicine at the University of Toronto. She received her B.S. (Pharmacy) from the University of Toronto, Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) from UCSF and post-doctoral training with Dr. James R. Gillette as a Fogarty International Fellow at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Pang’s work spans the fields of pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism and transporters and their regulation. Her research programs are aimed towards a mechanistic-based understanding of the handling of drugs and their metabolites within the liver, the intestine, and kidney via integration of relevant processes into physiologically-based models, encompassing state-of-the-art experimentation and theory. Her work emphasizes the presence of immediate removal of formed metabolites in situ the eliminating organ that reveals differences in the fates of formed vs. preformed metabolites because of transmembrane barriers, enzyme heterogeneity, enzymatic coupling, and kinetics of successive formation of metabolites. Recent studies focused on the continuation of metabolite PBPK modeling, siRNA disposition, and the role of 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-liganded vitamin D receptor on the regulation of transporters and enzymes. Dr. Pang has published over 200 original articles and chapters. She has served on various committees for NIH ASPET, AAPS, ISSX, and AAAS. She is the editor-in-chief of Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition, and is a member of the editorial review boards of the American Journal of Physiology, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Drug Metabolism and Disposition, and AAPS Journal. She was the recipient of the NIH Research Career Development Award, Faculty Development award from the Medical Research Council of Canada, the McNeil Award from the Faculties of Pharmacies in Canada, and the Research Achievement Award in Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Drug Metabolism from the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS).

A. David Rodrigues is Executive Director of the Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics Department, Pharmaceutical Candidate Optimization, at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, New Jersey. The author and co-author of over ninety peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, Dr. Rodrigues sits of the Editorial Board of three journals (Drug Metabolism and Disposition, Current Drug Metabolism, and Drug Metabolism Letters) and is member of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). He received the B.Sc. degree (1984) in applied science from Kingston-upon-Thames Polytechnic, Surrey, England, and the Ph.D. degree (1988) in biochemistry from the University of Surrey, Guildford, England.

Raimund M. Peter is Associate Director of the Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics Section, Cardiovascular & Gastrointestinal Research Department, at AstraZeneca, Alderley Park, United Kingdom. The author and co-author of twenty peer-reviewed journal articles, Dr. Peter is the current Chairman of the Drug Metabolism Focus Group of AAPS and is member of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX), the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), and the American Chemical Society. He received the Dipl.-Chem. degree (1986) in chemistry, and the Ph.D. degree (1992) in chemistry & biochemical pharmacology from the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany.

By Yufeng Zhang


2 thoughts on “[藏书千卷不如读书一卷]基于酶和转运体的DDI研究(1)”
  1. 张老师的学习精神确实让人佩服,不知质谱方面有什么可以推荐的书籍 谢谢

  2. 电子书从下面的网站一艘就有一大把,不过还是那句话,藏书千卷不如读书一卷:

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